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Cli.Welcome To Dr. Gonzo's
Security Studies Group
A source for information, assessment and research in reference to issues of contemporary strategic interests.
Topics include intelligence, criminal behavior, crime analysis,
terrorism, security other related interests.

The MagiGroup: Management Analysis of Global Investigations
It is essential that a free people be alert at all times to those forces that would enslave them, make them afraid and cause them to lose their freedoms. Vigilance is necessary along with proactive measures to prevent and deter the minions of evil. Therefore, it is essential, from individual to organizational, to ensure a proactive threat assessment process. Security is both personal and communal. Sometimes, extraordinary actions must be taken to protect yourself and others. Each day, you must train yourself. Don't rely on someone else to do that for you. Learn basis personal security tactics. Develop a tactical mindset. Remember, time, talk, tools and tactics. A free society is only free because a few good men and women risk themselves to protect others. So, when it comes to human behavior, who and what do you trust? Answer, no one and nothing, except yourself. Survival favors the trained mindset.
Analysis of the Terrorist Intelligence Methods Process
"For our state which since its creation has been under siege by its enemies.  Intelligence constitutes the first line of defence...we must learn well how to recognize what is going on around us."
Isreali Prime Minister David Ben Gurion
The future of any kind of operational performance within any organizational structure is in the field of intelligence.  It is an essential source of planning, organization and implementation, from economics to domestic and international law enforcement. Gathering intelligence is every citizens responsiblity, not just a governmental or business function alone.
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Introduction to Terrorism Concepts
Basic Definitions*

FBI – The unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social objectives.
Domestic Terrorism - involving groups or individuals whose terroristic activities are directed at elements of our government or population without foreign direction.
International Terrorism - involves groups or individuals whose terrorist activities are foreign-based and/or directed by countries or groups outside the United States or whose activities transcend national boundaries.

Department of Justice – The use of force or violence, or threatened use of force, against persons or places for the purpose of intimidating, or coercing a government, its citizens, or any segment thereof, for political or social goals.

Department of State – Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national or clandestine agents usually intended to influence an audience.

(*)-From the Book Law Enforcement Response To Terrorism
By Dr. Randy Gonzalez
In this World, What is Leadership?
In the Realm of Law Enforcement*

.….the quality of leadership is reflected not only by the leader, by also in the officers the leader leads.  His or her appearance, spirit, bearing, demeanor, words and actions suggest he or she is a leader.  And, the work that is done by the subordinate who mirror what the leader does as a supervisor.  Good leadership motivates subordinates to do a good job.  Those who are led in an effective and competent manner, enjoy their work, and take pride in their accomplishments.  Good leaders create the process by which subordinates become loyal and interested in carrying out the daily tasks of law enforcement.  Leading subordinate officers in an effective and efficient manner promotes harmony within the organization.  Leadership is evident when subordinates perform to the best of their ability on a regular basis.  Well-led officers provide quality public service.  Three basic terms emerge in this discussion.  These are:

Lead - to go before, or to show the way through influence;
Leader - the person who knows how to lead;
Leadership - the function of a leader, to maintain leadership ability;

As Wilson suggested earlier, leadership represents that aspect of a leader that influences others in a positive manner.  It is not giving commands or making decisions.  It is more by virtue of inspiration and encouragement by enthusiastic example that a leader leads others.  A leader leads from the front, by setting the appropriate example for his or her followers.  To lead, should suggest positive things.  One who leads shows the way for others to follow. True leaders never ask subordinates to do anything he or she has not done before, or is not willing to do now.  Leaders lead by their ability.
Leaders must evolve their own unique style of leading.  They must be capable of motivating people to achieve their highest potential in the police service.  Since the police service is community service, then it follows that leaders must guide their subordinates to the best possible level of public service.  The fundamental duty of law enforcement is service to the public.  This is the historical perspective from the standpoint of the professional model of law enforcement.  And, in this  tradition of law enforcement, the way we used to do things is probably a good basis by which to guide the future.

To be, to know and to do describes a process by which we come to a conception of leadership in the world of law enforcement.
(*) From Introduction to Law Enforcement Leadership
By Dr. Randy Gonzalez

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Threat Assessment - Personal Safety
"Time, Talk, Tactics"
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Time, talk, tactics. Likewise, cover, concealmnet and camouflage add to the mental matrix of being prepared. Discern your surroundings. Identify and assess probable threats. Size up each situation according to circumstances. Position yourself to your advantage. Exhibit confident posture, demeanor and observe people, places and thiings with critical insight. Apply intuitive decision making. Look and Listen to environmental cues. Using appropriate levels of caution and personal capabilities. Keep a low profile when necessary. Avoid calling attention to yourself. Appraise, anticipate, recognize and initiate protective actons..
Personal Safety Issues - Developing A Tactical Mindset

    Learn the basics of self-defense. Whether you are a private citizen or a police officer, do you have a tactical mindset? In a post 9/11 world, are you prepared to deal with an emergency situation? How would you defend yourself in a confrontation? What would you do if you witnessed an injustice?  Would you take action, risk the consequences, run the other way? Dealing with a crisis situation, from a mugging to a robbery, or a hazardous material spill to a terrorist act, requires a keen sense of awareness.  The police simply cannot be everywhere.  And, it’s not their job alone to ensure public safety and security. Crime control is the responsibility of everyone in the community.  Urban vigilance and vigilant community action requires citizens to get involved.  If nothing else, use your cell phone to call 9-1-1. Don’t hesitate to take action.  It is primarily the responsibility of each citizen to be knowledgeable, proactive and involved in the crime solution and prevention process. 

(From Article on Personal Safety by Randy Gonzalez)
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Help Fight Crime! Become an educated citizen. Learn about issues like terrorism, criminal behavior theory, cime prevention, etc. Click the "No Terrorists" logo for more information on the war against terrorism.

Apply critical analysis, using rational thought processes for problem solving. As opposed to reacting on the basis of feelings, emotions and selfishness, or "group think". Use "common sense"! Don't be a stupid, lazy, uncommitted and apathetic citizen. Reason through applied logic to discern the difference between fact and ficti, reality and deception. Think!

Personal and community security may not be politically correct sometimes.

The basic concepts presented here relate to the use of a counter-measure in the initial defense of yourself. If you are confronted with a situation you cannot avoid, then you must learn, in advance, to be keenly alert to the smallest of details, especially about the assailant. Your intent is to accomplish and resolve at least four key objectives:

*Distract your assailant’s intent;
*Re-direct his direction of attack;
*Disable his method of attack;
*Render him incapable of further attack;

In a confrontation situation you must be willing to inflict a disabling or incapacitating injury, so that he will be unable to pursue further assault. Techniques that do not inflict disabling injury, and accomplish the objectives above may lead to further attack and serious injury on your part.

A real—life street situation has no relation in any way to fight scenes you have seen on television or in the movies. Attack situations on the street last seconds, and you do not have the time to waste on fancy foot techniques, or tactics that are too complicated, unless you are expertly trained and educated, with many years of experience. Even then, there are no guarantees of success. There are too many variables.

There are a few basic rules in self-defense, which might be considered along with the objectives mentioned above. Such includes:

I) Never underestimate your assailant. Assume the assailant is capable of doing anything, including taking your life. Therefore, be extremely cautious at all times.
2) Be aware that if you decide to confront an assailant, ‘stand and fight’, you must be willing to inflict a disabling technique, and try to get away as soon as possible. If you try something and you miss, or it does not stop you assailant, you are risking serious personal injury for yourself. Therefore, fighting should be a last resort and when other alternatives have failed that are less confrontational,
3) Remember, in a ‘self-defense’ situation, there are no guarantees that one tactic or technique will prove l00 effective for each and every situation.
4) Be extremely careful and cautious when confronted by someone with a weapon, such as a gun or knife, or anything else used as a weapon.
5) Avoid whenever possible any initial effort as your first move in attempting to move in on a knife or gun, or trying to take a weapon- from an assailant. Use alternative tactics, such as talking, and only take direct action if no other alternative is available (for example: immediate life-threatening situations),
6) Learn basic practical approaches to self-defense. Do not become overly concerned about ‘fancy’ footwork or complicated techniques.
7) Study, review, research and practice self-defense techniques and countermeasures everyday. Plan ahead and think about situations and how you might react.
8) Be aware of the hidden dangers of advice from ‘so-called experts’ with regard to confrontational advice. Some advice reflects naive and uninformed ideas about self-defense tactics. Beware of one-dimensional thinking with regard to assailants and techniques.
9) Remember, advance preparation is very important in self-defense & personal safety tactics. It is important to assess your individual strengths and weaknesses. You should learn how to use your environment to your advantage, and you should understand assaultive types of behavior. To survive, you must prepare yourself for the unexpected.
10) Understand at least four important elements in a confrontation or assault situation:

a) The particular set of circumstances, including the surrounding environment, the initial    approach of the assailant, and your efforts at planning ahead for the unexpected.
b) Your personality type, mental and physical training, and your willingness to survive.
c) The personality type of the assailant, motivation of the type of assault, weapons present, object of attack, etc.
d) Alternatives, tactics and techniques appropriate to the situation.

There are many other aspects of self-defense that should be considered, but this initial list should provide the basis for your development of an individualized personal safety program.
It is important to understand that fighting on the Street has no relationship whatsoever with what you have seen in the movies, or on television. As mentioned earlier, your basic objectives in a street fight situation is to survive, or help someone else survive. These basic objectives are accomplished by:

1) Causing your assailant to be distracted from his intentions, and consider stopping his attack. This may be accomplished by making his concentration become faulty and redirected.
2) Redirecting his direction of attack by disrupting his control over his body.
3) Disabling his method of attack by damaging his body with disabling techniques.
4) Rendering him incapable of further assault, and allowing time for you to escape and summon assistance.

These objectives are supported by direct action designed to attack vulnerable areas of the body. Note, that at this point in the discussion we are talking about situations when you have reached the point where no other alternative is available, and you have decided to fight as a last resort. Possible targets for such countermeasures include, but are not limited to:
1) Attacking the central nervous system, such as the head, spinal
column, etc.
2) Attacking the circulation system, such as carotid arteries, and
heart areas.
3) Disruption of breathing, such as the throat area.
4) Attacking vulnerable areas such as joints, groin, etc.
Mind, Body and Spirit
One of the most important aims in self-defense training is the precise coordination of mind, body and spirit. An essential balance in all three areas is important, and come through practice and dedication. Control in techniques is importantly related to the three. Ensuring the balance requires understanding and reasoning, as well as practicing with a disciplined conviction.

(Gonzalez, R.A., Social Survival Tactics: A Guide to Basic Self-Defense and Personal Safety Strategy, (Murphy, NC: Randolph Gonzalez Publishing, 1987), pages 1-4; A Criminal Justice Basic Training Manual on CD-ROM from Amazon.Com)

An Article by Dr. G on Developing A Tactical Mindset
December 2007 PI Magazine
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